Rick (medlir) wrote,

Home again, home again.

<Destruct> where has medlir been lately?
<john> dead
<john> he died vic
<Destruct> oh ok
<john> his mom got online yesterday and told me

So I was on vacation for the last week with basically no net access. I can't wait to see the part of the phone bill I have to pay from the calls I did make to check my email and such. Need to do a lot of catching up. Oof.

  • Facebook is down...

    So what's going on over here? :D

  • Ahh, time.... you slippery thing you.

    Amazingly enough, it's been almost exactly two whole years... AGAIN... since I last posted. What is it with July? Hey, I know, let's do another big…

  • Random Rant

    People I Want to Smack #237 Anyone who, when filling out a profile on a social or personals site, puts down that they "like to have fun". Seriously?…

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