Tonight... I want to get an install package for my systray apps done. And maybe go to bed on time so I can go towork tomorrow since I didn't last week at all. I want my extra hours, RAM, and new NIC/Modem too!
Sis and bro and I played two games of Age of Empires II: TC too at different times last week. I'll post pictures later of that too. Maybe yummy banana shakes too. :P
Next weekend... mom wants us all up north for Mother's Day, but it can't be done... Nate has a Jazz band thing. Need to find out what's happening instead, I want to go to the Jazz Band thing. :P The weekend after that is another Animania Screening which Wes, Nate, and I will probably go to, Keith wants to too, but hasn't been able to the last two times. Karl maybe too. And Wizzywig is having their new store grand opening that same day... ehehehehehe!!! It's only like 2.5 blocks from the MLB where there anime screening is. :P Mmm, anime. The weekend after that is Memorial Day weekend... up north! Erica and some other people are maybe camping ont he state land up there too. We'll be reroofing the barn most likely. Mom said dad finished reroofing the second cottage this weekend whichmeans it's mostly done now. Will take pictures on Memorial day, will borrow digital camera. Other than that, I'm drawinga blank right now. Will have more later.