What's your RealAge?
Also, because I can't remember if I did or not and I'm too lazy to look, I will retell that we recently acquired a 20 foot pontoon for our cottages, and the other night mom and dad bought a 5th Wheel trailer so we can head west in February for a vacation. Yeehaw!
Also, if anyone has $4K laying around, hook me up with this Ford Probe GT found here. He also has several beautiful pictures over here. It's not the awesomest car around, but I'm nostalgic for my old Ford Probe GT which was a 1989 that I bought with 107K that served me well for many many years. Not to mention, I *HATE* my current vehicle which is a 1993 Olds Achieva S automatic which needs to be destroyed or at least sold and replaced with something fun to drive. So, who's gonna hook me up?