Rick (medlir) wrote,

Something to do with inertia and momentum...

Yesterday in the mail I got by Back to the Future pre-paid envelope to send back part two and three to have them replaced.

So yeah, went to bed last/this morning at 6AM.  Set my alarm for 12:30... woke up, set it for another hour, but got up at one anyway.  Slowly melted in the early afternoon due tot he 90+ degree weather that fell on us suddenly.  Last weekend I was wearing a hoody... this weekend, we all bake.

Did some miscellaneous stuff online.  Grandparents showed up at one piont and asked me if I'd mow their lawn since my grandpa is still out of it from his two bleeding ulcers.  It only was half-mowed this week as previously mentioned.  But they want me to take our mower over there on the trailer, because they don't want me using their mower... which is basically an ientical John Deer except they don't have the bagger.  Ah well.

Wes and Kale showed up after church I assume, which is usually around 2.  I showed them some stuff, pictures, videos, etc.  We went into Charlotte in Kale's car around 3PM because Wes wanted to buy a new TV.  Went to Meijer and then Wal-Mart... think he's going to get a 27" flat RCA for $219... he didn't have his money though, so we left, Kale dropped us off at Wes's house and we swapped for Wes' car... went into Olivet, got Money out, but his daily limit is $200 apparently... so we went into Charlotte again, but even other ATM's wouldn't let him get more out.  :D

Drove from there to the lake... got there at 6PM.  Nicole had been swimming, so we put on some suits, and meanwhile, Russell, Ben (Russell's brother), Ben's girlfriend Ally (sp?), Ben's friend Josh, and two girls that were Josh's friends all showed up.  This being far more people than my parents wanted around, since it was only supposed to be Ben and Russell.  Went swimming though for a while, until the wind picked up, and it started raining.  Everyone took off, and just in time since a huge storm broke really fast.  50mph gusts, raining, lightning, etc within like 7 minutes of when everyone got out.

Had dinner over there... they had planned a seafood dinner, and so Mom, Dad, Nicole, and Nate all had king crab legs, batter fried shrimp, etc.  Wes and I had brats, and the other side dishes.  Awesome dinner overall.  The storm died down by the time dinner was over and mom and dad were relaxing out on the porch in the much cooler 68F weather with a nice breeze.  Nate, Wes, and I watched Simpsons, then took off.  And now just here.

Plan is tomorrow to go to Battle Creek and pick up my Aunt and Uncle's new computer from UPS.  Later in the afternoon, help Dad unload the wood chips from the trailer down at our neighbors house.  Was going to go to Ben's house to play Halo 2 on Live, see his new case, speakers, etc, but he apparently found out he has to work tomorrow, so that's a no go.  Tuesday is probably mowing at my grandparents since the trailer should be empty and usable by then.

And that's about it for now.

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