Rick (medlir) wrote,

So hard to catch up a week worth of events...


My Aunt called and told me UPS would require a photocopy of her ID for me to pick up her computer, so that was off, and the grass was all wet from the rain on Sunday, so I couldn't mow either at my Grandpa's.  I did go to the lake later that afternoon... I rode my bike over there.  I think it was only 9 miles or so because of the shortcuts I took that a bike can do but a car can't.  :D  It was only 82F so not horrible, though I did has some issues getting water on my bike.  When Ir ide into town I just gets drinks out of the city drinking fountains, but of course in the middle of nowhere that doesn't work.  And I hadn't put a water bottle mount on my bike since I got it for x-mas... and really, there's no where to put one.  Ended up using some giant rubber bands from my old Nickelodeon Moon Shoes and using them to strap two water bottles up near my handlebars.  Worked decent.  Halfway over there found the nut on the right side of my back tire wasn't tight, and was causing the tire to skew tot he side and rub against the back fork.  Wasn't happy.  I slid it back and took it easy not to cause it to slide back over.  When I got to the lake, I got some leftover seafood salad from the night before, and some other food, because I hadn't eaten since the night before and I needed a break romt he ride anyway.  Nicole and Russell showed up, and at Mom's order, I volunteered them to help unload the half a trailer of wood chips.  So backed it down to our neighbors place at the lake, and we all unloaded it.  And when we got done with that, we jumped in the lake which was refreshing as usual.  :D  I think Nicole and Russell left or something, because Mom got home and was planting stuff, and I hooked up the trailer again, and loaded my bike into it and drove the truck home soon after.


Got up around 10-10:30AM I think... went into Battle Creek to get the computer from UPS, and they didn't seem to even look at the photocopied ID.  :D  Loaded it up, and drove back here.  Stopped at Citgo/Subway in Olivet, for Lipton gGreen Tea with Honey and Peach Tea because they were on sale for like 33% off.  Then went tot he Subway in there and got a 6" chicken bacon ranch which is yum, as well as two white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.  Ate my lunch, this being shortly after 12.  Got back tot he house, loaded up the lawnmower, and went to Grandpa and Grandma's.  Got there at 12:30 or so, and spent the next 3 hours and 45 minutes mowing their yard.  Got a nice tan, that's for sure, just a tinge burnt, as it was a bit stingy a day or so later, but no peeling or anything.  Grandpa brought me out water, Gatorade Endurance Formula, etc.  And I finished off my other tea from earlier.  Got done mowing and took off, this at 4:15PM.  Got back here, and Wes was here in Nate's room with Nate... Nate's playing Wes' copy of Resident Evil 4 for GC.  I took a quick shower, and Wes and I went to Ben's house.  Looked at Ben's new case, speakers, etc.  Ben showed us his goodified bagpipes now that he got them back, and he "played" a few practice excercises.  Then he started to hook up his XBox to play on Live and we said we needed to go to Charlotte and that we'd be back.  :P  Went to Charlotte, got egg rolls, pizza rolls, and other stuff like Fuze drinks.  Came back here and made food and such, then went back to Ben's around 9PM I think.  Played Halo 2 on Live, Jason was supposed to show up around 11, but he didn't, and we left around 1AM.  Were scanning for open wireless spots in Olivet ont he way back with Wes' laptop.  Surprisingly there are quite a few in our tiny town.


I think I relaxed most of Wednesday.  And in the evening Tony came over to talk about cleaning up some audio on a DVD.  Then Ben, Jason, and Ryan all came over and Ben brought his XBox, and we played on the LAN.  Tony left at some point, and then Ryan, and Jason after that.  I think Ben left around 1:30AM.


Hoppy B-Earth Day to Me!  Actually, Ben and Jason told me Happy Birthday at midnight.  Wes came over and gave me a box of Bigelow Peach Tea as a present.  Went into Charlotte to get a present for Nicole.  Got her a 65cm exercise ball, because she wanted one.  :P  Had a hard time finding non-stupid cards for a sister.  Probably got some other stuff.  Called mom and asked if Wes could eat with us, and she said he should bring his own stuff just in case.  Got there and helped Mom clean up, move furniture, take out the trash, start the grill, etc.  Nicole and Russell showed upa nd they were put to work too.  Was going to go swimming before dinner, but never got a chance.  Made hot dogs and pork steak on the grill.  Dad had boiled hot dogs on the stove because he didn't want grilled for some reason.  Pork steaks turned out awesome, and we all ate dinner.  Then Grandma and Grandpa showed up, and then Sue and Dave on their Harley and Jamie in her car.

I got four $10 gift cards to Meijer, a $15 gift card to Best Buy, two copies of Last Samurai on DVD (one wide, one not, will explain in a bit...), a $10 gift cert to the local Chinese buffet, an inflatable lounge raft, a $10 check, and certificates for a dentist and an eye appointment from Mom and Grandma.  ;)  Scheduled and everything.  :P  Ever since I've been off Mom's insurance they worry, and so now they're going to force me to go.  :P

So some re-arranging was in order.  After cake and everything, Wes and I went into Charlotte.  Got out at Meijer and Wes asked if I locked the door, and I double-checked and I had... only to realize my lanyard with my door key wasn't on me.  Went into the store anyway.  Using my gift cards and cash I had on me, I got the Limited Edition of Jade Empire for XBox for $50.  Found a cool hydration pack for when I'm biking but couldn't afford right that second, so we hid it.  Called Mom at the Lake and Nate at the House, asking if my lanyard was there... it was at the lake with my bathing suit and goggles.  So mom brought my stuff to Meijer so we could get in my car.  :P  Went to Quality Dairy to deposit the check... went back to Meijer and got the two liter hydration pack for $15.

No for Last Samurai... two copies... one wide like I want from my parents bougth at Best Buy... one Full Screen from my aunt from unknown locations.  But I had the receipt from Mom and Dad and not from my aunt, so I took my Aunt's full screen to Wal-Mart and exchanged it for a widescreen... no problem... only it was until the next night when i went to open it that I found she had given me back to the same full screen one I had given to her originally.  ARGH!


Played Jade Empire all night, and most of the next day.  Nate and I mowed the front and side yards and along the driveway that evening around 7PM I think.  Wes came over and he played Jade Empire for a while.  And I played more later.  I love this game.  :D  Nate went over toour Uncle Steve's... he's house-sitting for him for a week I think.  Steve, Heath, and Tiffany went up to Nova Scotia... Steve has land way up there from his relatives.  Steve and Heath will be gone for three weeks I think, but Tiff is coming back after one.  Around 1AM Wes left, and I quit playing Jade Empire around 1:30 I think so I could clean the house.  Cleaned until 3:30AM or so, and then watched Naruto episode 138, and Tsubasa Chronicle episode 9.  I laid down to go to bed and realized I should set my alarn since the showing was at 11AM, but I fell asleep before that idea actually took hold.


Was dreaming, and in the course of my dreaming I was thinking about time, and then I thought "There's a showing at 11!" and I woke myself up, to find it was 10:10AM.  Finished cleaning everything up, and got out of here at like 10 minutes to 11.  Went to Wes' and woke him up.  Went into Charlotte to re-exchange  Last Samurai.  Finally got that cleared up.  And got some more Fuze.  Went to Meijer, and got a dozen eggs for 38 cents, 12-pack of ice cream sandwiches for $1.74, and grapes... 99 cents/lb.  Yay!  Wes got a box oc ice cream sandwiches too, and a thing of Starbucks Java Chip ice cream.  Went from there to the lake to re-solidify the ice cream sandwiches, let Buster out, and pick up Wes' egg rolls amnd pizza rolls he took over there Sunday.  Mom and Dad were out looking at Motorhomes.  Came back here, changed, dropped off stuff, and went to Kayle's open house.  Ate lots of food and cake there, and hung out for an hour or so.  It was raining off and on.  I carrie dmy hydration pack around, drinking from it and ocaisionally refilling it from the bottled water available.  :D  Left there, and went into Lansing.

Stopped at Bargain Books and got hardcover of Cloud of Sparrows by Takashi Matsuoka for $2.50... which is normally $25... I'm curious if Bargain Books sells misprints and other things, it was $5 normally, but there was a buy one get one free sale going on.  Went to Kroger next door and got more Fuze again.  Mmm, delicious Fuze beverages.  Went to GameStopa nd browsed for a while.  Then to Best Buy... returned Nicole's Friends Season 7, and got Season 6 for her instead.  Returned the other Last Samurai as well.  Used the money from my return and my gift card to buy nausicaa on DVD.  By coincidence, there was only one on the shelf... so I picked it up and the cardboard jacket caught the light and I clearly read  indented into it "Hold for "... apparently my mom had called to reserve it, and had changed her mind.  But it was marked with my name and found it's way into my consumer hands anyway.  :D

Came back here, and the second showing of the day had already been done too.  I watched Nausicaa and nodded off, but woke up and finished it... went to bed around midnight I think, and read Microserfs for a bit, then sleep.


Nothing today so far.  Nate came over just now for a bit.  Dinner at the lake at 6PM, but just wasting time before then.  probably going to head over early and go swimming though.  And that's that for now.  :)

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