Rick (medlir) wrote,


spot [spot@nat-pool-meridian.redhat.com] has joined #livejournal
<Medlir> spoot
<spot> yes, tis me.
<spot> hrm.
<spot> there are 4 people with me as an interest
<spot> and they're all teenage girls.
<Medlir> COngrats.
<CowsCows> ooh
<CowsCows> a fanclub
<spot> i dont know any of them though
<spot> todays spot fan club quote: "
<spot> "I have decided that i am not going to be a "slut" anymore. Well at least i am going to try not to. =) It gets hard sometimes!"
<CowsCows> aww
<CowsCows> that's sweet
<spot> isnt it?

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